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Forests & Agriculture
© WWF RDC/Christian Mpassi

The DRC's wealth of natural resources provides unique opportunities for socio-economic development

© WWF RDC/Christian Mpassi

Covering more than 150 million hectares, the forests of the DRC represent 60% of the entire Congo Basin forests. They are essential for the survival of a significant portion of the population and play a critical role in regulating the global climate. In addition, timber exploitation has a significant economic potential for the country.

The DRC forests face many threats: poaching, fuelwood collection, industrial logging, artisanal and illegal logging, slash and burn agriculture, mining, and infrastructure building.


The country has the largest irrigation potential in Africa with about 7 million ha of irrigable land and significant potential for agriculture with some 80 million ha of arable land.

Currently sustaining 70% of our population, the agricultural sector can contribute to national food security through sustainable practices, responsible investments and sound land use planning. 

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